“Why Hire A Designer”

When we meet with a new client for the first time, a question we often hear is “Why should I hire a designer?”  Every client who has worked with a designer knows the values and benefits, that working with a professional saves money, aggravation and time, and can result in a timeless space that looks great and works great for many years.

We can and do…..

Discover, define and execute a vision that you may lack.

Expand your own creativity with great style and design ideas. We know what works and what doesn’t.

Listen, and translate your needs into  beautiful and functional spaces. We hear what you mean, even when you don’t have the words to express your thoughts.

Optimize time and budget to keep your project on track.

Work with a team with access to great resources.

Provide professional project management and design skills.

We can separate trends from real style.

Provide wider access to product selections.

Turn a daunting task into an enjoyable experience.

The final results will exceed your expectations.

No part of the budget is wasted on expensive mistakes.

The fears some people have before their first experience with a  designer melt away quickly with the guidance and expertise of a professional. You don’t know what you don’t know, so we take the time to educate and explain every step of the way. We cherish your own things as you do. We come in on time and on budget. Once you find a designer you trust, your projects become fun and rewarding and  will enhance your life with style and beauty beyond your imagination.  Isn’t it worth a meeting to see if working with a  professional designer is for you?

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”

Recently a new client engaged our firm to design a two level kitchen and master bathroom addition to an historic home. They had envisioned it and decided on how to proceed before calling us . Our first instinct  at our initial meeting was to tell them how to get the space they needed and the remodeled rooms without the expense of the addition.  After going through the exercise of designing, drawing up and pricing the additions as they first thought about them, they realized we were right all along. We can see space through the eyes of a designer, removing the “its always been like this” veil that can cloud  a vision. The new kitchen and bathroom were worked in to the existing footprint, saving these clients more than one hundred thousand dollars in expenses. They were able to use more of their dollars for the dream kitchen and luxurious bath they always wanted. It will add value and function to their home, and look good for years to come.

The living room/library  pictured here looks as good today as the day it was finished, many years ago. The comfortable upholstery and fine antiques have appreciated in value, and have been enjoyed and well used by a family of five. Can you say the same for rooms in your home?

Custom upholstery and period antiques sit atop a custom Wilton fitted carpet in this richly colored and textured room. Drama and comfort …..

We remade some  older existing  bookcases to enclose  storage and media equipment, and found a craftsman to stain and finish the newer portions to appear as if they had always been. The mirror over the  antique carved marble mantle ( newly installed in this room) is circled with signs of the zodiac reverse painted and gilded on glass. The soft chenille fabric on the custom designed camel back sofas is from Brunswig & Fils.  The sofas were bench made by a local upholstery shop from our own drawings. Cherished collections, photos and books fill the shelves.